Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Daniel meets with Sudhir Ruparelia

Daniel meets with Sudhir Ruparelia


short message is more a message of encouragement to my readership, and perhaps
just a short testimony about a meeting I had with someone I personally greatly admire…Uganda’s
Sudhir Ruparelia.

often read about very successful people and wonder how they got to be where
they are today, and very often we make the mistake of thinking these people had
everything handed to them, or had life easy. Very often it’s NOT the case.

not going to go into too much detail, but below is a few links about some
encouraging material from two billionaires you might want to review. One is a
short audio message from Billionaire Donald Trump….about NEVER giving up. I
often listen to it when I need a bit of encouragement to press on doing what I
do.  It’s worth a listen.

for the aspiring business people and entrepreneurs amongst you, be sure to make
some time to listen to Sudhir’s own story in the “How to start and run a
successful business in Uganda” series on youtube.

can listen to the whole series, but being a fan myself the following two videos
containing Sudhir’s story stood out to me:

that kept on surfacing is Sudhir’s real passion…its evident. Passion is a term
often loosely used as a cliché of sorts…but he really does walk the talk. To
really MAKE it in Africa, “Africa has to be in your blood” as Sudhir correctly
says. Making it here and persevering is not for everyone, you either have it in
you…or you don’t. Real passion, and not just an itch, is the fast track to real

have to LOVE what you’re doing to be really successful at it. If you don’t like
what you’re doing, find something else to do, or do it part-time until you CAN
find something else to do.” - Trump

time shared with Sudhir has been a real inspiration and I was quite flattered
to learn that he has read some of the material I’ve blasted out before.  I
can imagine that his schedule is very demanding, being who he is, and not ONCE
throughout our meeting did I get the impression that he is watching the clock
or anything like that.

Dr is also a great listener I might add, and because I can talk a LOT (usually
because I have a lot to say !),  it was quite refreshing to have him
indulge me in this way.

often see money and wealth changing people in a negative way, influencing how
they interact with others, or how they treat people. I found Dr Sudhir to be as
down to earth as one can possibly be. It was an hour very well spent.

that’s me for now folks !

hope you all have a great week ahead and enjoy the bit of inspiration above.


Daniel van Niekerk
Client Advisor – Uganda
705 704 001

PS. If you REALLY don’t know who Sudhir Ruparelia is, then
perhaps I need to come and check your passport first of all.


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