Monday, January 27, 2014

Africa: Too big an opportunity to ignore? (Uganda)

Africa: Too big an opportunity to ignore? (Uganda)

Hi there everyone,

This week I have something interesting you may want to have a look at.
I’m going to try and keep it short, we’re all busy and what-not, but I’m confident this will be something of interest to you.

Have you been considering a worth-while investment? You’ve seen me write on numerous occasions in the Uganda CEO Magazine and NewVision about offshore plans, right?

Perhaps you’re very interested but you want to know more…OR perhaps things sound a bit “foreign” or far-away for you.\ and you’re not sure how it works. Is that you?
Many of my African clients want to invest locally, but want to avoid the inherent dangers and restrictions of local institutions and/or dodgy organizations.

Well, here is your chance. I give to you the ALQUITY- Africa Fund.

Before we continue, perhaps first read a short summary of this great fund:

1) and the whole 9 yards below

This fund is available via Friends Provident International through our regular savings solution and also to those who have lump sums dwindling away in some bank account somewhere.

Friends Provident International Limited was established in 1978 and is based in the Isle of Man. The Friends Life group has a heritage that dates back over 200 years. Number of customers worldwide: – 5 million as at May 2012 ,Funds of £111 billion under management (as at 31 December 2011)

Protection and safety is a BIG issue for us all here in Africa, so if you’re still wondering how international investors are protected by our world class providers, see a summary here:

So, in ENGLISH…what does this all mean to you? If you were to approach ALQUITY directly  you would ordinarily need $10 000 upfront to invest directly into this particular fund. There are other funds out there that require much higher sums of money to gain entry.

But, if you want to invest into this fund and don’t have large amounts of money, you can now have access to the ALQUITY- Africa fund via a Life Company Platform (like Friends Provident) which has a low entry level of $300 per month for regular savers.
With Friends Provident’ s 5 million clients worldwide you can probably understand the bulk buying principle, hence the low entrance into a fund like this combined with the insurance wrapper policy protection features offered in the Isle of Man.

If your national social security fund does not have you doing cartwheels & jumping around with excitement-,  if your local investment club is not providing the fireworks you hoped it would- and if being in control of your financial future is what you’re all about for 2014 going forward, then perhaps this is the way for you to go. The Premier Advance regular savings solution from Friends Provident is the ideal vehicle to access this fund and great for those future education for children and/or retirement medium to long term investment plans. Download the Premier Advance brochure here:

So, why not Invest in Africa, she is the next BIG thing…we all know this, and have your money work for YOU, not you for IT.


7 out of 10 fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa
Over the past decade Africa’s market cap has risen from $245 billion to over $1 trillion
Land mass bigger than China, India, Europe and USA combined
Africa has 89% of the world’s platinum, 60% of the world’s diamonds, 40% of the world’s gold and 8% of the world’s oil
A middle class that will reach 1.1 billion by 2060
A young population, guaranteeing a profitable consumer base for the coming decade, which by 2035 will be the planet’s largest workforce
Low debt to GDP compared to the developed world
8 countries wealthier than China, and 16 wealthier than India on a GDP per capita basis
Suitable for investors seeking attractive long-term returns and low correlation with other markets

I don’t know about you, but there’s suddenly not really that much to think about now is there? If $300 or moe per month towards your financial security is within your reach, then it should make sense to you…it does to me.

View my website for my other services at:

I look forward to your comments and wise decisions.

Daniel van Niekerk AFP CII (AWARD)
Private Client Advisor – Africa
Mobile: +256 705 704 001

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