Friday, October 30, 2020

Meet the financial advisor ranked No. 1 two years in a row by CNBC

For two years in a row, Salem Investment Counselors has come in No. 1 on CNBC's list of the top 100 financial advisors. CNBC spoke with the firm's president.
by Daniel at

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

4 ways wealthy families are trying to head off heftier estate taxes under a Biden administration

The last thing you should do is give away millions of dollars a week before the election. However, that doesn't mean you should just sit and wait. Here are four steps wealthy families are taking to prepare for a possible Biden administration.
by Daniel at

Op-ed: Investors need to know exactly what being a ‘fiduciary’ advisor means

The most important factor when choosing a financial advisor is that they be a fiduciary. A fiduciary has a legal duty to act in a client's best interest. It's also important to know that many advisors are not fiduciaries.
by Daniel at

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Op-ed: This legislation will create a retirement recovery plan for millions of Americans

New comprehensive, bipartisan legislation to improve employer-provided retirement plans for workers by enhancing access and features is on the table. It's the best way to help Americans impacted by the Covid pandemic, says Insured Retirement Institute president and CEO Wayne Chopus.
by Daniel at

This myth debunked: You don’t have to be wealthy to hire a financial advisor

More advisors are getting creative with their fees so they can offer their services to people who otherwise couldn't afford it.
by Daniel at

Monday, October 26, 2020

Here are the new income tax brackets for 2021

The IRS has released its inflation adjustments for the standard deduction next year, as well as the marginal income tax brackets. Here's where you stand.
by Daniel at

These 3 tax moves will help you save, regardless of who wins the election

The election may be on everyone's minds, but don't let the politics take your focus off of key moves that can trim your 2020 tax bill. Here are three steps you can take now.
by Daniel at

Higher taxes could be around the corner. How the wealthy might prepare

It's still uncertain how the presidential election will shake out. However, if Democrats sweep Congress and the White House, an overhaul of taxes on the wealthy could be around the corner.
by Daniel at

Op-ed: Lack of pre-existing condition protection could financially cripple many Americans

If you have workplace health insurance, you might not think the political debate around protections for those with pre-existing medical conditions applies to you. But as we've seen amid the Covid pandemic, jobs are never guaranteed. Physician and financial advisor Carolyn McClanahan breaks down why this type of coverage is key.
by Daniel at

Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump says he 'prepaid' his taxes. So do millions of other Americans. Here's what that may mean

During the final debate on Thursday, President Donald Trump said that he prepaid millions of dollars in taxes. Experts think he meant quarterly estimated payments. Here's what you should know about them.
by Daniel at

Feeling altruistic? This tax strategy can keep Medicare premiums in check

There's no denying the feel-good effect of donating to charity. But some giving strategies are more tax-savvy than others. This tactic allows you to give without blowing up your Medicare premiums.
by Daniel at

Here are tips from financial advisors for getting your Medicare coverage right

Under Medicare, which you are eligible for at age 65, it can be challenging in some circumstances to change plans and costly if you get your choices wrong.
by Daniel at

Thursday, October 22, 2020

How to snare more income from your investments in a time of low Treasury yields

With yields near zero on the historical benchmark for safe income — U.S. Treasurys — investors may need to add some risk to the income portion of their portfolio.
by Daniel at

Pulled money from a 401(k) plan for an emergency? What it means for your taxes

The CARES Act gave savers friendlier terms in the event they tap a last-resort pot of cash: a withdrawal of up to $100,000 from a retirement account. Be aware that you still have to prepare for a tax bill.
by Daniel at

Here's how to handle an unexpected windfall of money

Depending on the assets you're inheriting, you may need to take steps to ensure you avoid unexpected taxes or expenses.
by Daniel at

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Will my Social Security be enough? How financial advisors can prepare clients for what's coming in retirement

Headlines about Social Security may prompt fears that it won't be there for retirees when they need it. Here's how advisors can demystify the latest news, and help clients come up with retirement income plans they can count on.
by Daniel at

How to invest ahead of the 2020 election, according to top advisors

Infrastructure, renewable energy and technology stocks will be among the big winners with a potential Biden win. On the flipside, defense and financial stocks with benefit under a Trump administration, experts say.
by Daniel at

Thinking about tapping your 401(k) due to Covid? Here's what you need to know

The CARES Act made it much easier for Americans to draw down their retirement accounts through coronavirus-related distributions or loans. Here's what to know before taking money out of a 401(k), according to participants at the 2020 CNBC Financial Advisor Summit.
by Daniel at

Don’t call it a fad. Ethical investing is here to stay

With billions of dollars pouring into ESG investments — a strategy that weighs a company's environmental, social and governance factors — it's unlikely this trend will be going away any time soon, according to speaker's at the Oct. 20 CNBC Financial Advisor Summit.
by Daniel at

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Mario Gabelli sees 'extraordinarily good' U.S. economic growth in 2021

Investor Mario Gabelli struck a positive note on Tuesday on the U.S. economy even as coronavirus cases in the country are on the rise.
by Daniel at

Why embracing diversity, equity and inclusion matters to financial advisor firms

As more Americans push for diversity, equality and inclusion in the world around them, financial advisors are finding ways to adapt.
by Daniel at

SEC Chairman Clayton says mom and pop investors should shy away from these investments

Flavor-of-the-month types of investments make SEC chairman Jay Clayton nervous, he said at a CNBC event Tuesday.
by Daniel at

Monday, October 19, 2020

Op-ed: Here are year-end planning tips for employees getting equity compensation

If you're an employee who receives equity compensation, you can't ignore the importance of year-end financial planning to get the most out of that benefit.
by Daniel at

Friday, October 16, 2020

Here’s some advice financial advisors offer to new parents

A middle-class couple can expect to spend more than $230,000 to raise a child, and that doesn't even include college costs. More advisors are helping their clients successfully navigate how to cover their children's expenses without compromising their own financial security.
by Daniel at

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

How workplace benefits might reflect the new reality of Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has forced employers to take a hard look at the workplace benefits they're offering. Here's how that benefit menu might change to adapt to today's new reality.
by Daniel at

Thursday, October 8, 2020

2020 may tempt people to throw out their long-term plans. Here's how advisors can keep them on track

Planning for long-term goals can feel harder this year. There's a real reason for that, due to how prolonged stress from the coronavirus pandemic can impair decision making. Now more than ever, financial advisors can help clients make progress through step-by-step plans.
by Daniel at

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

These 4 states are voting to legalize and tax marijuana sales

This fall, four states are asking voters to decide on the legalization and taxation of recreational pot. Here's what you should know about excise taxes and how helpful they are in improving states' bottom lines.
by Daniel at

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Stock market is ‘OK,’ right now, says top advisor on CNBC's FA 100 list

Stocks prices are neither cheap nor pricy given prevailing interest rates and other factors like federal stimulus money, according to the president of Salem Investment Counselors, the top financial advisory firm on CNBC's FA100 list.
by Daniel at

FA 100: CNBC ranks the top-rated financial advisory firms of 2020

Finding the right financial advisor to help with your financial needs and goals can be complicated. The CNBC FA 100 celebrates those advisory firms that top the list when it comes to offering comprehensive planning and financial services to help clients navigate their complex financial lives.
by Daniel at

Financial advisor industry, overwhelmingly white and male, seeks to overcome lack of diversity

The financial advisory industry is overwhelming white and male. CNBC spoke with Financial Planning Association President Martin Seay about encouraging more diversity in the field as the country grapples with the implications of racial and gender barriers to success.
by Daniel at

Advisors use technology to handle challenge in helping clients adjust to the new environment

Advisory firms have had to find ways to be able to adapt through the use of virtual technologies to keep their meetings going with clients. That newfound comfort will probably change advisory practices well into the future.
by Daniel at

Advisors adapt to 'new normal' as pandemic has changed how firms connect with clients

As disruptive and unsettling as the coronavirus pandemic has been for the U.S. economy, financial markets and virtually every American family, the country's top financial advisors have managed to smoothly adapt to these circumstances.
by Daniel at

Financial advisors predict a Biden win and more market volatility ahead: CNBC FA 100 survey

In a poll of top-rated advisory firms, there is a near-even split on the election outcome and the market's reaction. However, most see volatility as opportunity.
by Daniel at

Monday, October 5, 2020

What to watch out for when making purchases with retail credit cards

Your favorite store's credit card may sound like a great deal. But read the fine print, as you may find high interest rates and deferred interest charges. In contrast, general credit cards may offer better rates.
by Daniel at

Thursday, October 1, 2020

With so many people living longer, advisors help to make sure the fear of outliving money doesn’t become a reality

Financial advisors are adjusting t their practices to the fact that their clients could be around for a long time. That includes finding ways to stretch out their savings and to protect their money from risks associated with old age.
by Daniel at