Thursday, April 30, 2020

Op-Ed: It's not time to panic, it's time to plan your finances during coronavirus pandemic

Proactive planning can aid you in achieving short- and long-term financial needs and goals, especially in times of hardship like the current coronavirus pandemic.
by Daniel at

Monday, April 20, 2020

Op-Ed: Here's a game plan to help create retirement security for millions of Americans

As Congress considers ideas in the coming weeks seeking to help America recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Insured Retirement Institute has proposed a five-point plan to help American retirement savers enhance their ability to save for retirement today and ways to strengthen their financial security for tomorrow.
by Daniel at

Saturday, April 18, 2020

These financial advisors applied for the PPP loan. They share some lessons learned

Three financial advisors share how they have helped clients apply for emergency funding through the Paycheck Protection Program, and sought aid for their practices.
by Daniel at

Friday, April 17, 2020

Op-Ed: Advisors need to help clients get back to basics during this volatility

While financial advisors must continue being proactive in helping clients maintain financial well-being during the coronavirus pandemic and downturn, the most effective advisors are managing their clients' emotional well-being, as well.
by Daniel at

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Op-Ed: Coronavirus market swings can lead to an 'amygdala hijack'

The barrage of bad economic news surrounding the coronavirus pandemic can trigger an emotional response, or "amygdala hijack," in investors' brains that can cloud judgment. Here's how to combat the panic and ensure sound financial decision-making.
by Daniel at

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Here's what advisors are doing to help clients — and themselves — amid coronavirus volatility

As markets careeen amid coronavirus-fueled economic volatility, financial advisors are at the eye of the storm. We asked five members of the CNBC Financial Advisor Council what they're telling clients, whether they're helping them reallocate and how the downturn is impacting their own fortunes.
by Daniel at

Friday, April 10, 2020

Advisors urge investors to avoid these mistakes with their 401(k) during coronavirus crisis

There are some key things that retirement savers should steer clear of doing with their 401(k), despite uncertainty over exactly when the stock market will recoup its losses and head higher.
by Daniel at

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Eight out of 10 financial advisors see markets diving lower, survey finds

Eighty-one percent of financial advisors say markets haven't hit bottom yet amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a survey by Ned Davis Research. Two members of CNBC's Financial Advisor Council say whatever the future holds, they're telling clients to stay the course.
by Daniel at